Day 19. A song from my favorite album and that will be Pearl Jam's first album, Ten.
This is the first song i heard from that album and this is the song that made me fall in love with them and Grunge many years ago.
It tells the true story of a kid that end up killing himself in front of and entire classroom and always makes me think about the damage we make to others even without notice it.
Hoy toca una canción de la cual me sepa toda la letra (>_>) y es el turno de Ordinary People.
A veces pensamos que el amor es un cuento de hadas pero cuando pasa todo el encanto y la realidad nos pega, nos damos cuenta que solo somos personas comunes y corrientes. Los problemas no se solucionan con una varita magia, sino que hay que hacer sacrificios para que las cosas salgan bien.
Al fin y al cabo, todos somos capaces de ser felices y asi lo decía mi querido Wayne Coyne de The flaming lips:
"I believe we have the power to create our own happiness. I believe the real magic in the world is done by humans. I believe normal life is extraordinary".
Y con esta frase que apoya todo lo que creo, aqui va
This song makes me feel a little bit nostalgic. It reminds me of my latest school's days and the time I spend with her.
She is my soulmate, the girl who puts the colors inside of my world. She is great.
This is day 04 and i should post a song that makes me sad.
Someone told me once that i only love sad songs (that's false). I Just think that the best master pieces are made from human anguish, sorrow and deception ( is not as bad as it sounds).
I cant help it. This song (from my favorite album) reminds me hard moments and this is without any doubt one of my favorite bands. A live performance from the MTV Unplugged, among perfection!
Today is the day for a song that makes me happy (among many) and it's the turn of Bob Marley.
I love this song. It relaxes me, makes me want to dance, makes me laugh (I think all Bob's song makes me feel that way).
Oh yes, I'm feeling better and I've decided to begin a 30 day song challenge. I don't know if i could make it cause it's kind of hard for me to pick a song from the bunch (i guess thats the challenge part).
And for today: "My favorite song" (the most difficult choice)